Wing Rebranding

“Wing” is a women’s lingerie brand developed by Wacoal.
It is a popular lineup for the shopping mall created in 1975 but gradually begin to fade mostly due to the aging of the target customers but with some more reasons. To solve this situation, Mr. Watanabe the creative director of TOMO started working on the rebranding in 2020. The brand concept was well arranged by then but the taste of “joyful feeling” wasn’t well expressed. So then, we were assigned and worked on expressing this “joyful feeling” that Wing brand holds.
また、Wing傘下に多くのサブブランドが乱立し、Wingというブランド名よりもサブブランドが目立ってしまい、 ブランドとしての統一感がなく、余計にWingの名前が認知されにくくなるサイクルへと陥っていました。
2020年より、東急エージェンシー・TOMOのクリエイティブディレクター、渡辺氏のチームがリブランディングを手がけ、 ブランドステートメントやロゴマークの刷新にはじまり、商品ラインナップの整理に至るまで隅々までブランドの整理整頓が行われました。
- visual Identity making
- comprehensive art direction
- graphic design for in-store display
- shooting direction
- web site design
- ヴィジュアルアイデンティティーの策定
- ブランド全体のアートディレクション
- 店頭ツールのグラフィックデザイン
- 撮影ディレクション
- WEBサイトのデザイン
Combine the all concept with the keyword “fresh brightness”.
The all creative was well organized by team Watanabe but the emotional essence wasn’t catching up.
We need the customers to feel the feeling of favor, sympathy, and joy. So, our mission was to put this emotional essence and create the new concept of Wing.
We first worked on defining the visual identity of the brand.
We discussed a lot about the characteristic of this brand and made this “fresh brightness” as a new concept.
We focused on every precise thing during the creation to bring the “fresh brightness” to the visual. We also defined the guideline of the visual to make this concept consistent. And with this guideline we worked on the sub brands of the Wing as well.
Such as, “Lesiage” “Teen” and “Sports”.
We are still working on this project, tuning day by day.
Wingというブランドの人格はどのようなものなのかについてクライアントも含め議論を重ね、 提供価値として掲げていた「活き活きとした輝き」をクリエイティブにおける最上位概念と定義しました。
creative director / planning : koki watanabe , mate Inc.
account planner : kaori machino , mate Inc.
art director : yoshio nakada , terminal Inc.
designer : marie endo / yuki shikaze , terminal Inc.
producer : teppei iizuka , terminal Inc.
assistant producer : sayaka yamato , terminal Inc.
interior designer : kayoko sakamoto , SAIHA DESIGN OFFICE
copywriter : reiko tsuduku , TOKYU AGC
photographer : yuri hanamori , Lykke
videographer : eri yamazaki
hair&make up : aya murakami / akemi kibe , PEACE MONKEY
stylist : akane koizumi
model : shihori hananoe / sayaka shibata / iriya take
retoucher : hiroshi morita , digi-capsule Inc.
editor : masaki utaka , 059
wing lesiage
photographer : bungo tsuchiya , Tron
hair&make up : mika iwata , Mod’s hair
stylist : kumiko sannoumaru
model : chloe
retoucher : taku yamamoto / tomomasa seki , mosh Inc.
wing teen
videographer : masaki utaka , 059
hair&make up : tomomi taniguchi
stylist : rina kikuchi
model : karen ishikawa / maru hinata
editor : masaki utaka , 059