
Rebranding TRICLE.LLC a company that transforms chaos into value through editing.
As they celebrated their 10th anniversary while expanding and diversifying, there arouse a need to review and reintroduce the company values with their employees.
Thus came the new theme, “Chaos Edit.” It was important to clearly understand the theme, and to expess it as candidly as possible.
terminal Inc. worked with TRICLE.LLC and was in charge of the CI/VI design, graphic design for business tools, and website production.
編集という技術によってカオスを価値に変える“TRICLE.LLC”のリブランディング。創業10周年を迎え、組織拡大と事業の多角化の中で、改めて自社の価値を見つめ直すことと、社内での理念の共有が求められていた。その中で彼らが新たに導き出した“Chaos Edit”というテーマ。これをしっかりと受け止め、端的に表現することが必要であった。
terminal Inc.では、TRICLE LLC.と協働し、CI / VIのデザイン、ビジネスツール等のグラフィックデザイン、web site制作などを担当しました。
- CI/VI design
- graphic design of business tools ant etc.
- website design and develpoment
- shooting management
- CI / VIのデザイン
- ビジネスツール等のグラフィックデザイン
- webサイトのデザイン・開発
- 撮影マネジメント
Personification of “Chaos Edit”.
TRICLE.LLC is an organization that uses editing to transform chaos into value. We started with understanding their definition of “chaos”.
When people encounter chaos, they feel their hearts surge.
It is the same feeling when one steps into Shinjuku Golden Gai, where the chaos of the former black market and the atmosphere of the Showa period coexist.
In short, the bigger gap between the expectation coming from individual common sense or customs and the reality unfolding in front of you, the more “chaos” is created.Therein lies the enthusiasm and anticipation that holds the power to move people’s hearts.
For those whose livelihoods rely on communication, creating this “chaos” to move people’s hearts is their greatest skill.
In other words, “Chaos Edit” is a skill that creates a pendulum between between expectation and prediction and furthermore moves people’s hearts by amplifying the swing.
The pendulum became our motif, which lead to the symbol —a triangular fulcrum and two points of amplitude.
The three dots also mean triple, which nods to the three current board members who funded the company.
Furthermore, the mathematical symbol “∴” is shorthand for “therefore” and it express the company’s volition to provide answers to any issues and all challenges.
The web design is at first your typical webpage, organized and systematic, but we intentionally incorporated chaos into the design — each new page is opened as a smaller window layered on the top the previous pages.
A design that is chaotic from the start doesn’t provide room for change.
We wanted visitors to experience the transition from order to chaos as they browse through.
As a playful element, we sampled the symbol displayed on an error screen and designed a smiling character.
The design incorporates our message : “Errors are a moment of disappointment. When you change disappointments into smiles, you’ll never be let down, but the negative expectations will.”
*Also, please read the note about the logo design, written by Mr. Uegaki, the representative of the company.
“Chaos Edit”を体現する。
まずは彼らの言うカオスとはなんなのかを定義するところからスタートした。 Chaosとは、日本語で言うと「混沌」。
つまり、Chaos Editとは、期待と予想の振れ幅を創造し、その増幅によって心を波立たせる技術。
art director : yoshio nakada , terminal Inc.
designer : chihiro wakai / shohei ichinose , terminal Inc.
planner : kiyoshi ishii , terminal Inc.
producer : yasuko isochi , terminal Inc.
photographer : noriyuki edamatsu
web developer : Konel Inc.