
Branding for dumpling restaurant opened in 2019 in Kanda. Due to the transposition of REAL BBQ INC. they were planning to rent the whole building and use ground floor and 2nd floor as a restaurant. The manager Mr.Igawa, and Mr.Fukuyama were friends from university and the project started when they came for advice before opening. terminal Inc. worked on creating entire world view such as, whole art direction, logo design, VI building, graphic, and sign.
REALBBQ INC.の事務所移転に伴い、ビル一棟を借り上げ、1F/2F部分を店舗とする計画であった。経営者の井川氏、福山氏とは大学時代の友人であり、オープンに際して相談を受けたことからプロジェクトがスタート。
terminal Inc.では、全体のアートディレクション、ロゴデザイン、VI設計からグラフィック、サインなど世界観づくりを担当した🥟
- logo mark, VI system building
- character development
- all sorts of design : graphic, good, sign
- ロゴマーク、VIシステムの構築
- キャラクター開発
- 各種デザイン:グラフィック、サイン
The concept “Neo Chinese” and the name “Tokyo Gyoza Club” was decided. Our mission was to create the world view. Dumpling restaurant in downtown Tokyo is already reaching saturation point. However by research, we’ve found out that updating classical izakya into recent style called “Neo Izakaya” and easy going style chinese called “yuru-chinese” is becoming popular around young women on instagram with their fancy dishes, goods, and store interior. The location of the restaurant is 7 min walk from Kanda station and is a quiet office building area. It is not likely the area that young women often visit. Therefore, we thought of building the world view by attract customers mainly from surrounding office workers and gradually advertise on SNS. Design concept was a fusion of “an odd atmosphere of chinese restaurant in foreign downtown” and “urban atmosphere of gyoza club in Tokyo ” we tried to build the new position of dumpling restaurant. First of all, we imaged the urban Tokyo and designed the logo type made of straight lines. Then we developed the mascot with illustrator Kazuma MIkami to get shared on twitter. We adopted these logo and mascot to the signboard and glass too. We set pink and green as a key color and used only these 2 for store interior. So the dumpling restaurant with out standing atmosphere opened in the quiet business area. — Half year has past and the restaurant was steadily crowded by surrounding office workers. Then one post on twitter got 2 million likes and from then, number of customer a day sprang up to 5 times and number of access to google my business increased up to 14-15 times. It became popular among women in her twenties and restaurant is always full less than an hour after opening. Not only the restaurant but the goods such as glass and T-shirts are also well sold and is becoming the new business model of restaurant. We noticed that contents are more important than the location. dumplings, xiaolongbao, and alcohol with soda and icecream are very good, please come and visit.
creative director : yusuke ikawa , wackwack creative / REALBBQ INC.
art director : yoshio nakada , terminal Inc.
designer:yuki shikaze , terminal Inc.
producer:teppei iizuka , terminal Inc.
illustrator : kazuma mikami