On Trip JAL

Planning, reporting, and up to designing for feature article of web magazine “On Trip JAL” powered by Japan Airline. Which is a place where Japan Airline presents high quality trip and some useful ideas to make your trip better. We made various contents to introduce the attractive points of the destinations. Such as introducing the trip itinerary, reporting the unique attempt of the rural area, and different way of having fun in tourist site.
日本航空が運営する、上質で旬な旅の楽しみ方、旅先でも便利なアイデアなどをお届けするWebマガジン「on trip JAL」にて、特集記事の 企画 / 編集 / 取材撮影 / デザインを担当しています。理想の旅行プランを紹介するものや、地域の取り組みを現地の人のインタビューを交えて取材したもの、有名観光地を違った角度から楽しむご提案まで、その地域の魅力を最大限に引き出すようなテーマを発掘し、色とりどりのコンテンツです。
- concept making, web page editing
- interview
- interview article writing
- web site design
- 企画構成提案
- 取材・撮影
- 取材記事執筆
- webサイトのデザイン
We think the power of editing is important when trying to attract tourists to the destination. Because only introducing won’t motivate people.
Not just introducing but providing interesting new trip viewpoints and excavating undiscovered tourism points will make the value of going to the place. So, we put effort into finding and setting these points.That’s why we focus on researching the theme and specialty of the place and carefully plan the structure and set the tone & manners to appeal maximum to the tourists. Therefore, there is no contents that has a same appearance and structure. And by managing all the process by our own we can create the contents that has coherent strong concept.
creative director : Yu Aoki , Harumari Inc.
planner : kiyoshi ishii / mizuki abe, terminal inc.
art director : marie endo , terminal inc.
designer : yuki shikaze , terminal inc.
producer : teppei iizuka , terminal inc.
writer : teppei iizuka / mizuki abe , terminal inc.
photographer : seiichi saito
web developer : hideo ando , orange graphics