LUMINE early summer 2022

Creative direction and art direction for fashion building LUMINE’s seasonal campaign.
That signage and displays you see when you’re walking around Shinjuku station.
Campaign for LUMINE is always designed by famous designer and I never thought I would have a chance. So, at first when I got the message, I was very surprised. This project had the big theme “Fashion Freedom”, and our work was to reinterpret this theme and output to the world.
Like LUMINE always does, swing with the current of the times and message what LUMINE thinks right now to many people as possible. And some people who got the message will take into their daily life and update their lifestyle. Our mission was to make this message.
このプロジェクトではあらかじめシーズンの大きなテーマとして、「Fashion Freedom」という言葉があり、これを僕達なりに解釈して世の中にアウトプットしていく。
- concept development
- brand statement making
- graphic design
- movie production
- shooting direction
- copywriting
- article writing
- コンセプト開発
- ブランドステートメント開発
- グラフィックデザイン
- 動画制作
- フォトディレクション
- コピーライティング
- 記事編集
Visualize the surprises laying behind our daily life.
The word “Fashion Freedom” is a universal message. Fashion is freedom. If we take these words literary, the visual will be like people enjoying their fashion on their own with no boundary at all. But LUMINE exists more near us. The message should stick close to girls’ feelings who like LUMINE. And so once again, we rethought how people, society, and WE feel about the word “fashion freedom”.
Normally, all of us get less freedom by being adults. Like, even though the world is claiming “Fashion Freedom” if I don’t go to the office by “office wear”, I won’t suit the atmosphere. Trending fashionable clothes will do right even though I don’t like them that much. This one looks more appealing to him maybe… We think too many things when we choose the clothes and can’t be free at all.On the other hand, all people must have desires to choose clothes without thinking all the complex things. Just wear the color I used to like since kid, challenge stylish hairstyle that I yearn to, and challenge the new shaped bag to refresh my fashion etc… These desires could be the insight we guessed.
Changing drastically will be a bit stressful for everyone, so maybe by little by little will do. And these little changes will bring the completely different view. Fashion has that kind of power. That is like a surprise that could happen in any moments of our normal life. And called this “WEAR SURPRISE”. New fashion brings new you.
Knowing the side that you never realized that you owned, accepting it, world will change, and relationship between people around you will change as well. The acceptation existing beyond the surprise will be a good motive power to get rid of the sense that the world is blocked up.
To express this concept efficiently, we gave a role to all the contents. KPI is the page views of the campaign articles on LUMINE’s owned media. For offline medias, like signage and displays we expressed the surprise by using confetti and by making the design pop we aimed to people to remember well and leads to online contents like official Instagram and magazine. For people who got interested by SNS ads, we made 3 articles to let them understand the concept more clearly. For articles, we interviewed 3 women who found new side of them and are actively working in both their previous and new business. We asked how they expanded their sense of identity and some tips.
As a result, we achieved the KPI by getting 200% access to the magazine than we aimed. If this campaign became a trigger for someone’s something, as a creator, we couldn’t be any happier.
「Fashion Freedom」というキーワードは普遍のメッセージ。ファッションとは、自由。
そこで改めて、僕達、町行く人々、社会は「Fashion Freedom」をどう受け止めるのかを見つめ直してみた。
「世の中は多様だからFashion Freedomで行こう!」とは言っても会社に行くのはオフィスカジュアルじゃないと浮いちゃうし。とか。流行のスタイルにしておけば無難かな。とか。異性にウケそうなものの方がモテそうだし。大人になればなるほど、いつの間にか受動的にスタイルを決めてしまったりしていることってあると思う。
それを「WEAR SURPRISE」と形容した。
オフライン媒体であるサイネージムービーやショーウィンドウでは「WEAR SURPRISE」という言葉と、サプライズを表現する紙吹雪でフックを作り、Instagramなどのオンライン媒体へ繋がるように。そしてSNS広告などで興味をもった人が、このコンセプトをより深く理解してもらえるように、ルミネマガジンの記事を3本作成した。記事では、自分の可能性を広げ活躍されている方々をピックアップし、インタビュー形式で新しい自分と出会った経緯をお聞きした。
planner / copywriter : kiyoshi ishii / mizuki abe , terminal Inc.
art director : yoshio nakada , terminal Inc.
designer : marie endo , terminal Inc.
producer : yasuko isochi , terminal Inc.
assistant producer : sayaka yamato , terminal Inc.
film director : yuhei hamada
photographer : noriyuki edamatsu
cast : iruka / atsuko fukumoto / nozomi ijima
stylist : akane koizumi
hair&make up : Kato