Landbrain 30th movie

We created a commemorative 30th anniversary movie for a real estate development company centered on commercial facilities in Sapporo, Hokkaido. The film is not retrospective of the company’s past, but rather a rebranding of the company for the next 30 years.
- shooting direction
- Catchphrase development
- shoot management
- 撮影ディレクション
- タグラインの開発
- 動画制作マネジメント
It is best to understand that the commercial facilities developed by Landbrain Inc. are suburban all-in-one facilities including supermarkets, pet stores, 100-yen stores and several restaurants.
It is not a large-scale shopping mall, but rather a place functional for daily needs. Regardless of the size, such commercial facilities have been seen as a key problem decreasing originality of the local landscape and as an invasive species draining the vitality that old shopping areas once had. Although proliferation has been slowing down, the impact of the he-who-shall-not-be-named infectious virus, the acceleration of worldwide DX, and the current state of Japanese society have forced a need to rethink the policy for the continued increase of such facilities. In other words, products simply placed in stores will eventually be replaced by e-commerce, and the number of people visiting the stores in the first place are decreasing (especially in rural areas).
Under these circumstances, Landbrain, which builds the foundations of commercial facilities, was searching for a new way of looking at commercial facilities for the next 30 years, in light of the past 30 years.
In an industry where profit and efficiency rule, and where building a box is the end of the process, Land Brain’s new vision was to not simply build commercial facilities that build ones that would “bring people together”.
It was a declaration to move away from the purpose of creating lifeless buildings to creating buildings that support people’s lives. We developed the message, “alongside life.”
We wanted the movie embodying this message to depict the future in front of us, not to reintroduce past achievements.
And we wanted to a more down-to-earth expression, not a dream-like fantasy. For this reason, we invited animators who used architectural isometrics but did not lose the human touch.
In the movie, people gather into a circle at one of the commercial facilities built by Landbrain, depicting a world where people’s lives are at peace and there exists a healthy cycle of life.
This movie was not only created as a 30th anniversary commemoration, but also as a guideline for the company, a place to recenter purpose, and a starting point for a new Landbrain.
利益や効率を至上とし箱を作っておしまいなこの業界において、ランドブレインは「人を集める」までを使命として商業施設を作る。そんなビジョンを描いていました。 その理念を体現するためのメッセージは、無機質な建物を作ることの目的から、人々の生活に寄り添うために建物をつくるという宣言でした。「暮らしのそばに」という、メッセージを開発しました。
このメッセージを体現する映像は、過去の実績紹介ではなく見つめている未来を描きたい。 そして、雰囲気だけを伝えるようなファンタジーではなく、もっと地に足のついた表現にしていきたい。そのため、建築的なアイソメトリックを用いながらも、人間味を損なわないアニメーターを起用しました。 映像内では、ランドブレインの建設した商業施設を中心に、人々の輪ができ、暮らしの和が生まれ、生活の循環がより良いものになる。そんな世界を描いています。
art director : yoshio nakada , terminal Inc.
designer : chihiro wakai , terminal Inc.
planner : kiyoshi ishii , terminal Inc.
producer : teppei iizuka , terminal Inc.
illustrator : dai gondo
motion designer : ryota fujii