
“bar show” is the show that both bar and alcohol industries pay attention to, and it is held around the world by the name of each regions. Now, not only the 2 industries but many people around the world pay attention to it. Tokyo International Bar Show held in 2017 in Tokyo dome prism hall, we were elected as an artist for live performance of BOMBAY SAPPHIRE stage in BACARDI JAPAN booth.
2017年に東京ドームシティ内東京ドームプリズムホールで行われたTokyo International Bar Show 2017のBACARDI JAPANブースにおける、BOMBAY SAPPHIREステージのライブパフォーマンスに、アーティストとして選出され、出演。
- art direction
- live performances
- アートディレクション
- ライブパフォーマンス
The stage theme was collaboration of cocktail and art. At the first meeting, we talked with bartender Ryo Nakagawa and he led as drink his cocktail. The cocktail was mixology cocktail made by image of golf which is his hobby. Mint, lemongrass, and some more herbs let us easily image the great meadow and broad sky as we drink the cocktail. This time, it differs from normal design style and we had to complete the picture in front of the audience so we used the marbling and stenciles techinique and make the poster. On stage, to express the motif of green meadow and blue sky, we poured green and blue paints on the vat and copied the marble pattern that appeared. And on top of the pattern we stanciled the word “THE MOMENT GRASS MARBLING” to show that the moment only existed at that time and that we cut out the moment.
Afterwards Mr.Nakagawa opened his own bar in Kitashinchi, Osaka. When we visited the other day , we found out that he puts 3 of our posters on the wall. He will welcome you with delicious mixology cocktail so, please stop by when you drink in Osaka.
ステージでは、空と草原をモチーフにした、ブルーとグリーンの絵具を用意した大きなバットに垂らしマーブル模様をうつしとった。その上にステンシルで”THE MOMENT GRASS MARBLING”とタイトルをのせ、その瞬間にしか存在しなかった瞬間を切り取りとった。
art director / designer : yoshio nakada , terminal Inc.
bartender : ryo nakagawa